Productivity Revolution: The Synergy of Cybersecurity and Efficiency

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At Breach Secure Now, we’ve been thinking about and working on solutions that address the need for MSPs to lead their clients through the Productivity Revolution. With that in mind, we’re excited to share about the expansion of our cybersecurity training to include Microsoft 365 productivity training.

One of the advantages of merging cybersecurity

Social Media Reminders

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Sloppy social media habits can lead to a compromise that extends beyond an individual’s personal account. Many people don’t realize that their login credentials tie them together with an invisible thread in the dark web. A hacked social account could lead to access to business credentials or more.

Hackers 101

Being in IT, you’re familiar with the various ways that hackers work to gain trust. That trust innocently leads to providing information that an individual deems irrelevant, but is not. It could be the one missing answer to a question that provides access to a password. Let’s take a quick look at the different ways that data can be unsuspectingly compromised.

Cyberattack Increase Warning Issued for Schools

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Back-to-school time is in full swing and imagine if the only threat that schools faced would be running out of tissues during sniffle season? Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. A cyberattack warning from the FBI, CISA, and MS-ISAC has been issued indicating that cybersecurity “attacks may increase as the 2022/2023 school year begins and criminal ransomware groups perceive opportunities for successful attacks.” A recent attack on the Los Angeles school district deployed malware over Labor Day weekend. The attack was followed up with government-issued announcements that included the warning of an increased threat.

Strong Password Behavior

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Strong password behavior is the foundation of many aspects of a cybersecurity program. There are still people that have the same password for all their accounts. As an MSP, you can’t be there when they create passwords to oversee the process. But you can enable measures that will force them to engage with good habits.

Scam Alert: Interview & Job Scams

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Scam Alert: Interview & Job Scams

There are some topics that might seem irrelevant or not important when it comes to alerting your clients with regard to their online safety and cybersecurity.  One of those might be about the process of looking at other jobs for a career change or simply to supplement their current income.  It’s likely that your client’s employees are not going to be forthcoming that they are, or might be, looking for a new or additional job in the future. But as their IT liaison, you’d be remiss to not mention current scams with them.  And we are hearing a lot about interview scams. 

Game Plan: Building a Strong Security Posture Within a Team

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Sports fans undoubtedly have their favorite teams.  Sometimes we pick them based on the mascot, hometown, or because they were “my dad’s favorite growing up”. But just because you have a favorite team, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have respect for other franchises or organizations.  These are the teams that are often “drama-free”.  They have a formula that works, they stick with it and are in it for the long game.

Partnerships We Love: Breach Secure Now and Inskyber


We take thee for better or for worse, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health…we will be there for you in your time of need…. ah, the familiar words we hear as two parties engage at the beginning of their road together.  You’re in it together and promise to stand by each other when the going gets…well, not so good.

And what better partnership for when the going gets tough, than to have a good insurance provider?  That’s why we love Inskyber. 

Breaking Down the Baseline Employee Cybersecurity Assessment – Handling PII

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Our recent launch of the Baseline Employee Cybersecurity Assessment provides MSPs with a new tool to add to their prospecting and baseline risk detection efforts.  As an MSP, it gives you the opportunity to show prospects and clients that human security plays a key role in protecting their organization and that without proper ongoing training, employees are an easy entry point for cybercriminals.

While a security risk assessment will identify gaps in a business environment, the human element should never be overlooked or assumed to be foolproof.

Cybersecurity Agents Unite!

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It’s holiday blockbuster season!  The time of year when the big screens are full of movie releases that are expected to pull in the crowds that want to watch Marvel and DC Comic heroes unite to save the world. They come from all realms to fight the dark forces that threaten humanity.  Together they will save the planet and it usually happens while the human race is blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurk in unknown territories, as they work silently and slowly to initiate our demise and take over the planet. 

Reasons to Perform a Security Risk Assessment

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Performing a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) is one of the things that Managed Service Providers can utilize as a way to solidify their client relationships and grow their business.  Offering it to existing clients is a way of showing your value as well as helping them to strengthen their security posture.  You can engage with potential clients by offering to do an assessment for them.

Additionally, businesses that are in healthcare and fall under HIPAA compliance are required to perform an assessment annually, so it can be used as a tool to strengthen and build those relationships. However, doing so with all of your clients should be a part of your plan regardless of the industry that they work within.