Evolution Is a Process

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In the past year, we’ve all seen how changes can be thrown at us unexpectedly.  We are presented with the need to evolve and grow in ways that can sometimes feel uncomfortable, or even rushed when the landscape that we work within changes. 

Despite how it may feel at the time, this is usually a good thing.  We learn what our capabilities are, and we may adapt to learn new behaviors and see new strengths rise within us.

Build A Human Firewall In Minutes!

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All of the minutes add up!

There’s a lot to do when it comes to keeping up with multiple clients who are often in “crisis mode” or reacting to things that they might not understand, which can lead to panic.  You need to have solutions that deploy quickly and do the job right the first time.

Guest Blog: Network Design Consultants

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This week we welcome Scott McClain, owner of Network Design Consultants as he discusses his experience as an MSP with healthcare clients and how his partnership with Breach Secure Now has contributed to that.

After speaking with dozens of medical professionals, we realized the lack of understanding and confusion surrounding HIPAA Compliance. We also have found that most practices are not HIPAA compliant at all. To add to the problem, there are many companies offering “HIPAA Compliance” solutions that they package and sell to the medical community.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

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October kicks off 2020’s cybersecurity awareness month, and if this year has given us any type of certainty, it’s that smart cyber practices are a necessity. The uncertain, the unexpected, and the unknown all allow for hackers to gain our trust, and eventually access, into our personal and professional records without knowledge or permission.

Tell Me About Yourself

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You can’t help someone effectively if you don’t know the details of their situation.  So how can you determine what your clients need if you are not aware of what they are looking to achieve, the problems that they are trying to solve, or their behavioral tendencies when it comes to decision making?

Marketing Magic

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Marketing Magic

Having an in-house marketing team is not always possible for small businesses.  Also, it can be difficult to maintain an ever-growing and ever-changing list of vendors and products to market.

As a Managed Service Provider you face the struggle of not only supporting your clients full time but also carrying the full-time weight of being a business owner.  This can leave little time – or headcount – for a marketing department that is hitting on all of the needs you require to get leads, maintain clients, and educate yourself on what is new to you as a managed service provider.